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Seaside School Half Marathon Going Virtual


For 2021, the Seaside School Half Marathon + 5K is going completely virtual. Get ready to sweat, connect and crush some run goals from wherever you are in the world. Your registration fee includes shipping costs for your Bradley® ReActive Sling Backpack and Pleated Face Mask, Billie Gaffrey Designed Race Shirt, Virtual Training Coach Program led by lululemon® Grayton Beach Ambassador, Rex Stinnet + many more surprises!

How does it work? Simply complete your selected course, at any pace and in any style you wish, between Sunday, February 12th and Sunday, February 28th, 2021. Then report your time to be added to the race’s national results leaderboard. 100% of proceeds from the race benefits the Seaside School, Inc. making this a great way to support the school and children of our community!

Click here for more details!


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