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Premier Commercial Group: Setting a New Standard for Business Real Estate

Spotlight on PPG Agent Jake Maurer

Real estate agents Jake and Tom Maurer are changing the commercial landscape of NW Florida for the better one development at a time. Part of Premier Commercial Group (PCG), this father-son team brings more than 60 years of combined commercial real estate experience to the company and a legacy of functional, thoughtfully-designed business real-estate projects across the Florida panhandle.

The Maurers joined PCG about five years ago and now work alongside a powerhouse team of more than 10 agents and support staff. Jake noted that he was drawn to PCG due to the company’s standing in the market as a local, independent group that could compete on the same level as some of the corporate real-estate giants.

“We have the flexibility and freedom of movement that many commercial real estate groups only dream of,” he said. “The commercial industry is so fluid, and there’s so many different aspects to it. PCG allows us to easily pivot when needed, which is really important in this industry when it comes to meeting client needs.”

Different than residential real estate transactions, commercial development is much less of an emotional process for clients. It requires a deep understanding of how to identify opportunities and bring together the right players to deliver a solid investment opportunity. It also requires patience as the sales cycle can be much longer.

“You’re working with businesses and business owners,” Jake said. “It’s much more about creating an equation that produces the right numbers.”

The Maurer’s expertise is focused on large-tract land development, assemblage, shopping centers and warehousing. Jake noted that assemblage is a unique development strategy that benefits both buyers and sellers when the right team is conducting the market analysis. In simple terms, the concept entails combining parcels of land to create greater value.

A new 12,000-square-foot shopping center in Freeport represents one of the projects the Maurers currently have in the works. Offering a glimpse into the complexities of the commercial development process, Jake explains that it often begins with land acquisition. During the contract period, the commercial team does its due diligence, completing civil engineering and architectural work prior to closing on a parcel of land. In the case of the Freeport shopping center, the next step entailed acquiring tenants for the shopping center prior to the commencement of construction.

“Now, we are 100% leased and about to begin construction,” Jake noted. “Basically, we had to go into the marketplace in Freeport and find business owners and companies, whether individuals or corporate entities, that were looking to set up shop and negotiate leases with them.”

Once financing is in place, PCG will break ground on the project with expectations of completing it within eight months. The development will then be sold to an investor.

Jake noted that Freeport and Panama City are two priority markets for his team right now as the commercial development opportunities are many in the wake of Hurricane Michael. He also believes that PCG is positioned well to respond to current needs.

“We have a great team that is built on strong communication,” Jake said. “A lot of the deals that we do commercially never make it to the MLS or even on the market because of our ability to collaborate and get the job done well.”

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